
メモ/ソフトウェア工学」(2009/07/19 (日) 12:03:08) の最新版変更点



Software Engineering is the design of useful programs under one or both of the following conditions: 1. More than one person is involved in the construction and/or use of the program, and 2. More than one version of the program will be produced. Some Software Engineering Principles, [[software fundamentals>http://www.amazon.co.jp/Software-Fundamentals-Collected-Papers-Parnas/dp/0201703696/]], p. 257
Software Engineering is the design of useful programs under one or both of the following conditions: 1. More than one person is involved in the construction and/or use of the program, and 2. More than one version of the program will be produced. Some Software Engineering Principles, [[software fundamentals>http://www.amazon.co.jp/Software-Fundamentals-Collected-Papers-Parnas/dp/0201703696/]], p. 257 *記事 -[[「測定できないものは制御できない」は誤りだった。-- by Tom Demarco>http://blogs.itmedia.co.jp/hiranabe/2009/07/---by-tom-demar.html]] -[[Software Engineering: An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone?>http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/computingnow/0709/whatsnew/software-r]], IEEE Software 2009

