
メモ/ソフトウェア」(2009/02/15 (日) 11:02:37) の最新版変更点



Answering the question: 'What is software'? should be easy for software professionals. However, an ad hoc experiment conducted by Osterweil in preparing a panel for ICSE 2001 [1] showed that even a sample of renowned software engineering researchers could not come up with a common definition for this term. Instead, analogies and relations to other artefacts were voiced. [[Software Evolution and Feedback]], p.72
Answering the question: 'What is software'? should be easy for software professionals. However, an ad hoc experiment conducted by Osterweil in preparing a panel for ICSE 2001 [1] showed that even a sample of renowned software engineering researchers could not come up with a common definition for this term. Instead, analogies and relations to other artefacts were voiced. [[Software Evolution and Feedback]], p.72 *プレゼン -[[Convergence: Model-Based Software, Systems And Control Engineering>http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Model-Based-Design-Janos-Sztipanovits]]

