
メモ/アフォーダンス」(2011/08/14 (日) 13:33:59) の最新版変更点



>However, according to Gibson (1986), affordances are something we perceive, rather than “learn”, “develop”, or “add”; affordances are properties of objects, which are perceived in relation to an agent’s bodily properties and capabilities. [[The Challenge of Managing Affordances in Computer Game Play>http://www.jana-rambusch.net/publications.html]] >What we perceive are affordances, and they are what they provide or offer an animal in terms of possible actions, for good or for ill. [[The Challenge of Managing Affordances in Computer Game Play>http://www.jana-rambusch.net/publications.html]] >She walks towards the door, and “bumps” into it because she cannot pass through. The door has the affordance “approach-able”, but it does not have the affordance “pass-through-able”. However, the information that the player perceives is “the door can be passed through”, otherwise she would not have opted for that action. The “pass-through-ableness” of the door was a misperceived affordance. [[The Challenge of Managing Affordances in Computer Game Play>http://www.jana-rambusch.net/publications.html]] >However, in Gibson’s perspective, there is affordance (which either exists or not) and information that specif ies the affordance (which sometimes can be misperceived), and they are always relative to the agent’s action capabilities. [[The Challenge of Managing Affordances in Computer Game Play>http://www.jana-rambusch.net/publications.html]] *文献 -[[Affordance in Interaction>http://doc.utwente.nl/67068/]], European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2006
-[[Representational affordances in design, with examples from analogy making and optimization>http://mason.gmu.edu/~jgero//publications/2011.html]], 2011 >However, according to Gibson (1986), affordances are something we perceive, rather than “learn”, “develop”, or “add”; affordances are properties of objects, which are perceived in relation to an agent’s bodily properties and capabilities. [[The Challenge of Managing Affordances in Computer Game Play>http://www.jana-rambusch.net/publications.html]] >What we perceive are affordances, and they are what they provide or offer an animal in terms of possible actions, for good or for ill. [[The Challenge of Managing Affordances in Computer Game Play>http://www.jana-rambusch.net/publications.html]] >She walks towards the door, and “bumps” into it because she cannot pass through. The door has the affordance “approach-able”, but it does not have the affordance “pass-through-able”. However, the information that the player perceives is “the door can be passed through”, otherwise she would not have opted for that action. The “pass-through-ableness” of the door was a misperceived affordance. [[The Challenge of Managing Affordances in Computer Game Play>http://www.jana-rambusch.net/publications.html]] >However, in Gibson’s perspective, there is affordance (which either exists or not) and information that specif ies the affordance (which sometimes can be misperceived), and they are always relative to the agent’s action capabilities. [[The Challenge of Managing Affordances in Computer Game Play>http://www.jana-rambusch.net/publications.html]] *文献 -[[Affordance in Interaction>http://doc.utwente.nl/67068/]], European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2006

