


According to (Morris, 1938) a language comprises three
parts: syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Syntax is devoted
to "the formal relation of signs to one another", semantics
to "the relation of signs to real world entities they
represent" and pragmatics to "the relation of signs to
(human) interpreters". In the following subsections we
elaborate upon these three definitions.

A sound language description contains the following elements:
1. an abstract syntax description;
2. one or more concrete syntax descriptions;
3. for each concrete syntax: a mapping from concrete to
   abstract and preferably from abstract to concrete as
4. a description of the semantics in the form of a set of
   rules that govern an abstract machine that is able to
   execute any syntactically correct linguistic utterance
   of the language.

A Language Description is More than a Metamodel

 Accordingly, a language consists of a syntactic notation
(syntax), which is a possibly infinite set of legal elements,
together with the meaning of those elements, which is
expressed by relating the syntax to a semantic domain. 
Thus, any language definition must consist of the syntax
semantic domain and semantic mapping from the syntactic
elements to the semantic domain.



 Having formulated the syntax of our language rigorously,
we next need a similarly precise definition of how terms are
evaluated -- i.e., the semantics of the language.


最終更新:2011年02月23日 20:40