
セットアイテム一覧」(2020/07/24 (金) 22:53:53) の最新版変更点



#include_cache(装備:共通) ---- *目次 #contents(fromhere) *はじめに   セットアイテムをエピック・レジェンダリー・その他のカテゴリで区分しました。各セット名を日本語に意訳してありますが、中にはトンデモ訳もあります。そういった部分に関しては直接直していただけるとありがたいのですが、「そこまではちょっと・・・」という人のためにページ最下部に意見投稿用のフォームを設けましたので、和訳に関する意見や提案などどんどん書き込んでください。   To Doとして①各ユニークアイテムのリンク先の仕上げ②セットアイテムの効果(日本語表記)の記載③セット効果の英語→日本語表記が挙げられます。これらについては気が向けば・・・という程度です。セット効果の英語→日本語表記については、エディタで置き換えすれば割とすぐなので、もしかするとありうるかもしれません。   最終更新日:&date(j) *エピック(Epic) **Adept's Regalia (魔術師の装束) -[[Adept's Diadem]] -[[Adept's Mantle]] -[[Adept's Clasp]] -[[Adept's Leggings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+180 Health&br()+180 Energy| |3 of 4|15% Elemental Resistance&br()+300 Health&br()+300 Energy| |4 of 4|15% Damage Resistance&br()+300 Health&br()+600 Energy&br()+200% Energy Regeneration| **Armor of the Immortal Guard (守護神の鎧) -[[Apple Bearer's Spear]] -[[Apple Bearer's Cap]] -[[Apple Bearer's Mail]] -[[Apple Bearer's Bracer]] -[[Apple Bearer's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+30 Dexterity&br()+70 Health| |3 of 5|+30 Dexterity&br()+70 Health&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed| |4 of 5|+30 Dexterity&br()+70 Health&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed&br()8% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |5 of 5|+25% Pierce Damage&br()+30 Dexterity&br()+70 Health&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed&br()12% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Armor of Troy (トロイの鎧) -[[Trojan Helm]] -[[Trojan Cuirass]] -[[Bracers of Troy]] -[[Greaves of Troy]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+50 Health&br()+42 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|+10% Armor Protection&br()+100 Health&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+42 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|+10% Armor Protection&br()33% Pierce Resistance&br()33% Lightning Resistance&br()+150 Health&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+58 Defensive Ability| **Aspect of the Wild (荒野の姿) -[[Call of the Wind]] -[[Resilience of the Wild]] -[[Strength of the Wild]] -[[Speed of the Wild]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+40% Health Regeneration&br()+40% Energy Regeneration| |3 of 4|33% Elemental Resistance&br()+40% Health Regeneration&br()+40% Energy Regeneration| |4 of 4|33% Elemental Resistance&br()+40% Health Regeneration&br()+40% Energy Regeneration&br()-25% Energy Cost| **Atreidae (アトレウスの血脈) - Immortal Throne -[[Agamemnon's Crest]] -[[Aegis of Atreus]] -[[Menelaus' Grip]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|+20% Damage&br()+15% Armor Protection| |3 of 3|+20% Damage&br()+15% Armor Protection&br()+30 Strength&br()+450 Health&br()+250 Defensive Ability| **Babylonian Raiment (バビロニアの武具) -[[Babylonian Spear]] -[[Babylonian Shield]] -[[Babylonian Helm]] -[[Babylonian Armor]] -[[Babylonian Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|15% Elemental Resistance&br()+10% Movement| |3 of 5|15% Elemental Resistance&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+82 Health&br()+10% Movement| |4 of 5|+10% Armor Protection&br()15% Elemental Resistance&br()15% Poison Resistance&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+82 Health&br()+10% Movement| |5 of 5|+10% Armor Protection&br()15% Elemental Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+82 Health&br()+45 Defensive Ability&br()+10% Movement| -セットアイテムの性能がやや物足りないこともあり、セットとしてはやや微妙。 -2つだけ装備してElementalレジを稼げば充分すぎる。 -3つめのDex+33を含めれば即席のDA・OAは稼げる。  Hun/DreなどのOA・DAをブーストするビルドなら、まあ使えなくもない。  緑装備でもOA・DAは稼げるけど。 -Helm・Armor・Greavesの3つでElementalResistanceを稼ぐくらいしか使い道が見当たらない。Strengthボーナスもあるが・・・ **Buccaneer's Garb (海賊の船服) - Immortal Throne -[[Tricorne Hat]] -[[Blackbeard's Coat]] -[[Blackbeard's Booties]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|+5% Total Damage&br()+300 Health&br()+200 Offensive Ability| |3 of 3|+10% Total Damage&br()+600 Health&br()+400 Offensive Ability| -DAとOAがバランスよく(しかもとんでもない量を)稼げるセット。Grant Skillも凶悪。Legendaryがどうしてもクリアできないなら、これとTarwaterセットに頼るのも手。 **Diomedes' Armor (ディオメデスの鎧) - Immortal Throne -[[Diomedes' War Helm]] -[[Diomedes' Breastplate]] -[[Diomedes' Buskin]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|+200 Defensive Ability&br()+3% Energy Absorption From Attacks&br()3% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |3 of 3|30% Elemental Resistance&br()+22 Strength&br()+22 Dexterity&br()+5 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+200 Defensive Ability&br()+3% Energy Absorption From Attacks&br()3% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Dreamweaver's Regalia (夢紡ぎの服) - Immortal Throne -[[Dreamweaver's Rod]] -[[Dreamweaver's Crown]] -[[Dreamweaver's Vestment]] -[[Dreamweaver's Coil]] -[[Dreamweaver's Leggings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+250 Health&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |3 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+10% Health&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |4 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+10% Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| |5 of 5...+10% Total Damage&br()+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()30 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+10% Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| **Firewalker's Suit (炎路の装備) -[[Helm of the Firewalker]] -[[Breastplate of the Firewalker]] -[[Bracers of the Firewalker]] -[[Greaves of the Firewalker]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+25% Fire Damage&br()+55 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|+35% Fire Damage&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|+50% Fire Damage&br()+100 Defensive Ability| **Gebel Tjauti (ジャウティ丘陵の埋蔵物) -[[Shroud of the Night]] -[[Garb of the Scorpion King]] -[[Chaosbane]] -[[Silent Runners]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|32% Pierce Resistance&br()32% Poison Resistance| |3 of 4|+25% Poison Damage&br()32% Pierce Resistance&br()32% Poison Resistance&br()3% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |4 of 4|+25% Poison Damage&br()32% Pierce Resistance&br()32% Poison Resistance&br()+75 Defensive Ability&br()6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Habiliments of the Druid (ドルイドの服) -[[Druid's Staff]] -[[Druid's Wreath]] -[[Druid's Vestment]] -[[Druid's Bracelet]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+25% Health Regeneration&br()+25% Energy Regeneration&br()2% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |3 of 4|17% Poison Resistance&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+50% Energy Regeneration&br()4% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |4 of 4|22% Poison Resistance&br()+75% Health Regeneration&br()+75% Energy Regeneration&br()6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Hunter's Armor (狩人の装い) -[[Hunter's Helm]] -[[Hunter's Armor]] -[[Hunter's Armguard]] -[[Hunter's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+35 Dexterity| |3 of 4|+50% Pierce Damage&br()+45 Dexterity| |4 of 4|+50% Pierce Damage&br()+55 Dexterity&br()+75 Health&br()+50% Increase in Projectile Speed| **Imperial Raiment (皇帝の甲冑) -[[Yang]] -[[Yin]] -[[Imperial Helm]] -[[Imperial Armor]] -[[Imperial Bracers]] -[[Imperial Greaves]] -使い勝手の多いアイテムが多く、しかも装備数が少なくても高い効果がある。 3つめでElementalレジと75DAが稼げるのは心強い。 4つでElementalレジ20%が稼げるが、それ以上を狙うのは流石に難しいしメリットもない。 -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|+25% Life Leech&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |3 of 6|+25% Life Leech&br()10% Pierce Resistance&br()10% Elemental Resistance&br()10% Poison Resistance&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |4 of 6|+25% Life Leech&br()69-102 Energy Leech Over 3 Seconds&br()20% Pierce Resistance&br()20% Elemental Resistance&br()20% Poison Resistance&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |5 of 6|+75% Life Leech&br()69-102 Energy Leech Over 3 Seconds&br()20% Pierce Resistance&br()20% Elemental Resistance&br()20% Poison Resistance&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |6 of 6|+100% Life Leech&br()69-102 Energy Leech Over 3 Seconds&br()40% Pierce Resistance&br()40% Elemental Resistance&br()40% Poison Resistance&br()+75 Defensive Ability| **Labyrinthine Warsuit (迷宮の戦具) -[[Labyrinthine Shield]] -[[Labyrinthine Helmet]] -[[Labyrinthine Cuirass]] -[[Labyrinthine Bracers]] -[[Labyrinthine Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|16% Pierce Resistance&br()+10 Strength| |3 of 5|32% Pierce Resistance&br()+5% Shield Block&br()+10 Strength| |4 of 5|+10% Armor Protection&br()32% Pierce Resistance&br()+5% Shield Block&br()+10 Strength| |5 of 5|+10% Armor Protection&br()32% Pierce Resistance&br()+8% Shield Block&br()+10 Strength&br()+90 Health| -序盤の育成装備としてはお手軽な性能で、3つまでに高いPierceレジが得られるのが特徴。 ただし、3つあれば充分。それ以降は別にいらない。 **Lazarus Armor (ラザロの鎧) -[[Lazarus Helm]] -[[Lazarus Platemail]] -[[Lazarus Bracers]] -[[Lazarus Plate Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|15% Chance of 1-25 Lightning Retaliation&br()+25 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|+20% Lightning Damage&br()20% Lightning Resistance&br()15% Chance of 1-25 Lightning Retaliation&br()+35% Energy Regeneration&br()+25 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|+20% Lightning Damage&br()20% Lightning Resistance&br()15% Chance of 1-25 Lightning Retaliation&br()+120 Health&br()+85 Energy&br()+55% Energy Regeneration&br()+25 Defensive Ability| -これが出てくる頃では、すでに装備自体の性能に不満が出てくる。 そもそもボーナス自体が貧弱極まりないので、これで固める必要性はゼロ。 **Legend of Fu Xi (溥儀の伝説) -[[Fu Xi's Tail]] -[[Fu Xi's Skullplate]] -[[Fu Xi's Armored Chest]] -[[Fu Xi's Shackle]] -[[Fu Xi's Bindings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds&br()+5% Movement&br()+5% Attack Speed| |3 of 5|31% Fire Resistance&br()31% Poison Resistance&br()15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed| |4 of 5|+20% Fire Damage&br()+20% Poison Damage&br()31% Fire Resistance&br()31% Poison Resistance&br()15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed| |5 of 5|+20% Fire Damage&br()+20% Poison Damage&br()+10% Armor Protection&br()31% Fire Resistance&br()31% Poison Resistance&br()15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds&br()+3 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed| **Memnon's Raiment (メムノンの宝具) -[[Memnon's Trust]] -[[Memnon's Guard]] -[[Memnon's Aegis]] -[[Memnon's Signet]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+50 Health&br()+36 Offensive Ability| |3 of 4|+100 Health&br()+36 Offensive Ability| |4 of 4|10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()+150 Health&br()+36 Offensive Ability| **Necromncer's Habiliment (死霊術師の祭服) -[[Necromancer's Staff]] -[[Crown of the Dead]] -[[Necromancer's Robe]] -[[Deathcuffs]] ※未実装 -[[Necromancer's Leggings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+15% Life Leech&br()10% Life Leech Resistance| |3 of 5|+25% Life Leech&br()30% Life Leech Resistance| |4 of 5|+35% Life Leech&br()50% Life Leech Resistance| |5 of 5|+50% Life Leech&br()100% Life Leech Resistance&br()+65 Health&br()+55 Energy| -あんまりにもあんまりなボーナス。The TUKAENAI **Obsidian Armor (黒曜石の武具) -[[Obsidian Crescent]] -[[Obsidian Helm]] -[[Obsidian Breastplate]] -[[Obsidian Bracers]] -[[Obsidian Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|15% Fire Resistance&br()15% Lightning Resistance&br()+42 Health| |3 of 5|35% Slower Movement For 3 Seconds&br()15% Fire Resistance&br()15% Lightning Resistance&br()+45 Health| |4 of 5|35% Slower Movement For 3 Seconds&br()7% Damage Resistance&br()7% Pierce Resistance&br()7% Elemental Resistance&br()15% Fire Resistance&br()15% Lightning Resistance&br()7% Poison Resistance&br()+45 Health| |5 of 5|35% Slower Movement For 3 Seconds&br()14% Damage Resistance&br()12% Pierce Resistance&br()12% Elemental Resistance&br()15% Fire Resistance&br()15% Lightning Resistance&br()12% Poison Resistance&br()+100 Health| -比較的簡単に入手出来る割には汎用性が高い。 アイテムその物がそこそこ使えるし、2つ揃えた時点でレジが取れる。 3つ目で物理・Pierce・Poisonレジが稼げる。 全部揃った場合、これが装備可能になった直後のレベルでは、なかなかの戦闘力。 ただし、DPSに色が付かないのが難点か。 **Oracle's Garments (賢者の衣服) -[[Oracle's Wreath]] -[[Oracle's Winding]] -[[Oracle's Vestment]] -[[Oracle's Leggings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+10% Elemental Damage&br()+75 Energy| |3 of 4|+20% Elemental Damage&br()+100 Energy&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second| |4 of 4|+30% Elemental Damage&br()6% Elemental Resistance&br()+125 Energy&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()-10% Recharge| -もともとの装備品が良品揃いだし、効果その物も悪くない。 ただし、攻撃に特化するぶんレジが稼げないのが最大の弱点。 **Panoply of the Moirae (モイライの正装) - Immortal Throne -[[Soul Spike]] -[[Shield of Anguish]] -[[Shroud of Shadows]] -[[Breastplate of Morte]] -[[Death Touch]] -[[Shade Stalkers]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|+10 Strength&br()+10 Dexterity&br()+70 Defensive Ability| |3 of 6|+20 Strength&br()+20 Dexterity&br()+140 Defensive Ability| |4 of 6|+30 Strength&br()+30 Dexterity&br()+210 Defensive Ability| |5 of 6|+15% Damage&br()+15% Pierce Damage&br()+30 Strength&br()+30 Dexterity&br()+210 Defensive Ability| |6 of 6|+15% Damage&br()+15% Pierce Damage&br()5% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()15% Elemental Resistance&br()+30 Strength&br()+30 Dexterity&br()+210 Defensive Ability| **Pride of the Jade Palace (翡翠宮殿の威光) -[[Jade Bow]] -[[Jade Crested Helm]] -[[Jade Breastplate]] -[[Jade Bracers]] -[[Jade Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|30% Pierce Resistance&br()+17 Dexterity| |3 of 5|+15% Damage&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()+17 Dexterity&br()+25% Attack Speed| |4 of 5|+25% Damage&br()+25% Pierce Damage&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()+17 Dexterity&br()+25% Attack Speed| |5 of 5|+25% Damage&br()+50% Pierce Damage&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()+17 Dexterity&br()+25% Attack Speed&br()+25% Increase in Projectile Speed| **Pyromancer's Guard (紅蓮術士の護身具) -[[Pyromancer's Circlet]] -[[Pyromancer's Robe]] -[[Pyromancer's Bracelet]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|+25% Fire Damage&br()17% Fire Resistance| |3 of 3|+50% Fire Damage&br()22% Fire Resistance&br()+100 Health| **Raiment of the Baker Street Sage (シャーロック・ホームズの衣服) - Immortal Throne -[[Bludgeon of True Sight]] -[[Deerstalker Hat]] -[[Detective's Greatcoat]] -[[Detective's Gloves]] -[[Detective's Spats]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|70% Cold Resistance&br()+5% Dexterity| |3 of 5|30% Pierce Resistance&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()70% Cold Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+5% Dexterity&br()+5% Health&br()+5% Energy| |4 of 5|60% Pierce Resistance&br()60% Elemental Resistance&br()70% Cold Resistance&br()60% Poison Resistance&br()+5% Dexterity&br()+5% Health&br()+5% Energy| |5 of 5|60% Pierce Resistance&br()60% Elemental Resistance&br()70% Cold Resistance&br()60% Poison Resistance&br()+10% Dexterity&br()+10% Health&br()+10% Energy| **Raiment of the Storm (嵐の衣服) -[[Rod of Storms]] -[[Circlet of Storms]] -[[Robe of Storms]] -[[Bracelets of Storms]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|17% Cold Resistance&br()+55 Energy| |3 of 4|+25% Cold Damage&br()+25% Lightning Damage&br()17% Cold Resistance&br()+100 Energy| |4 of 4|+50% Cold Damage&br()+50% Lightning Damage&br()22% Cold Resistance&br()+145 Energy| **Ramses' Royal Armor (王家の武具) -[[Ramses' Scepter]] -[[Ramses' Headdress]] -[[Ramses' Coat]] -[[Ramses' Coil]] -[[Ramses' Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun&br()17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance| |3 of 5|+25% Poison Damage&br()10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun&br()17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance&br()75% Reduction in Poison Duration| |4 of 5|+50% Poison Damage&br()10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun&br()17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance&br()75% Reduction in Poison Duration| |5 of 5|+100% Poison Damage&br()10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun&br()17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance&br()75% Reduction in Poison Duration&br()+150 Health&br()+100 Energy| **Rogue's Cover (盗賊の装い) -[[Rogue's Headband]] -[[Rogue's Harness]] -[[Rogue's Bracers]] -[[Rogue's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+100 Health| |3 of 4|+50% Poison Damage&br()+150 Health| |4 of 4|+50% Poison Damage&br()+200 Health&br()10% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Ronzer's Gift (ロンツァーの贈り物) -[[The Frail]] -[[The Fragile]] |2 of 2|20 Reduced Physical Damage For 3 Seconds&br()20 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds&br()+25% Energy Regeneration| **Safeguard of the Mantis (蟷螂の防具) -[[Mantis Helm]] -[[Mantis Plate]] -[[Mantis Stride]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|+8% Movement&br()6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |3 of 3|+45 Dexterity&br()+60 Defensive Ability&br()+18% Movement&br()6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| -アイテムの性能自体が高くないのが最大の難点。 そうでなくてもあんまり強くない……… コンプリートした場合は、装備品のModを含めるとDex+91とDA+86にDodge10%。 DA・OAをブースト出来る状況だった場合、被弾率その物は相当下がる。 **Santa's Garb (サンタの衣服) - Immortal Throne -[[Santa's Cane]] -[[Santa's Peppermint]] -[[Santa's Hat]] -[[Santa's Winter Coat]] -[[Santa's Gloves]] -[[Santa's Boots]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|+15% Armor Protection| |3 of 6|+15% Armor Protection&br()+3 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+3 Energy Regeneration/Second| |4 of 6|+15% Armor Protection&br()+200 Health&br()+3 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+3 Energy Regeneration/Second| |5 of 6|+15% Armor Protection&br()20% Elemental Resistance&br()+400 Health&br()+3 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+3 Energy Regeneration/Second| |6 of 6|+15% Armor Protection&br()40% Elemental Resistance&br()+600 Health&br()+3 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+3 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()+10% Increased Experience| **Shadow Guard (影の護り) -[[Shadowbane]] -[[Shadow Wall]] -[[Shadow Veil]] -[[Shadow's Guard]] -[[Shadow's Touch]] -[[Shadow's Flight]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|20% Life Leech Resistance&br()+80 Health| |3 of 6|40% Life Leech Resistance&br()+140 Health| |4 of 6|+25% Life Leech&br()60% Life Leech Resistance&br()+200 Health| |5 of 6|+25% Life Leech&br()60% Life Leech Resistance&br()+28 Strength&br()+200 Health&br()+40 Offensive Ability| |6 of 6|+50% Life Leech&br()60% Life Leech Resistance&br()+48 Strength&br()+200 Health&br()+60 Offensive Ability| **Tempest (渦巻く大嵐) -[[Surge of the Tempest]] -[[Helm of the Tempest]] -[[Armor of the Tempest]] -[[Bracers of the Tempest]] -[[Greaves of the Tempest]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|17% Cold Resistance&br()17% Lightning Resistance&br()+55 Health| |3 of 5|22% Cold Resistance&br()22% Lightning Resistance&br()+25 Strength&br()+100 Health| |4 of 5|33% Cold Resistance&br()33% Lightning Resistance&br()+35 Strength&br()+145 Health| |5 of 5|33% Cold Resistance&br()33% Lightning Resistance&br()+45 Strength&br()+190 Health| **The Acropolis (アクロポリスの防具) -[[The Bulwark]] -[[The Citadel]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|+20% Armor Protection&br()+150 Health| **The Harbinger (先駆者の装備) - Immortal Throne -[[Prophecy]] -[[Harbinger's Helm]] -[[Harbinger's Breastplate]] -[[Harbinger's Bracer]] -[[Harbinder's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+250 Health&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |3 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+10% Strength&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |4 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+10% Strength&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| |5 of 5|+15% Total Damage&br()+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()30 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+10% Strength&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| **The Ordu (オルドゥの装具) - Immortal Throne -[[Ordu Composite Bow]] -[[Ordu Arm-guard]] -[[Ordu Thumb Ring]] Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|2% Damage Resistance&br()35% Pierce Resistance&br()+5% Attack Speed&br()+25% Increase in Projectile Speed| |3 of 3|5% Damage Resistance&br()35% Pierce Resistance&br()+10% Attack Speed&br()+3% Chance to Avoid Projectiles&br()+75% Increase in Projectile Speed| **The Sphinx (スフィンクスの秘宝) -[[Scepter of the Sphinx]] -[[Helm of the Sphynx]] -[[Breastplate of the Sphynx]] -[[Bracers of the Sphynx]] -[[Greaves of the Sphynx]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|23% Pierce Resistance&br()23% Poison Resistance| |3 of 5|23% Pierce Resistance&br()23% Poison Resistance&br()50% Reduction in Poison Duration&br()+25% Health Regeneration&br()+25% Energy Regeneration| |4 of 5|23% Pierce Resistance&br()23% Elemental Resistance&br()23% Poison Resistance&br()50% Reduction in Poison Duration&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+50% Energy Regeneration&br()+65 Defensive Ability| |5 of 5|33% Pierce Resistance&br()33% Elemental Resistance&br()33% Poison Resistance&br()50% Reduction in Poison Duration&br()+100% Health Regeneration&br()+100% Energy Regeneration&br()+100 Defensive Ability| **The Texan (テキサスの民) - Immortal Throne -[[Tarwater's Shade]] -[[Tarwater's Kickers]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|+20% Armor Protection&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()+20 Strength&br()+220 Defensive Ability| -高い防御力と、飛びぬけたDAが得られるセット。HaruspexならDA3000あたりの数値は簡単に見れる。これくらいになると、必中系の攻撃以外はほとんど命中しない。 -2点で構築できるセットとしては異常に効率が良い。装備条件も-30%されるので、装備の柔軟性はとても高い。 -というか普通にアンバランスな防具です。何が何でもLegendaryまで一通りクリアしたい人向け。 **Theban Panoply (テーバイの装い) -[[Theban Shield]] -[[Theban Crested Helmet]] -[[Theban Cuirass]] -[[Theban Bracers]] -[[Theban Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+16 Strength&br()+22 Defensive Ability| |3 of 5|+22 Strength&br()+59 Health&br()+32 Defensive Ability| |4 of 5|+25% Armor Protection&br()+28 Strength&br()+59 Health&br()+42 Defensive Ability| |5 of 5|+50% Armor Protection&br()+34 Strength&br()+110 Health&br()+42 Defensive Ability| -物理に対しては相当頑丈なぶん、レジが全く稼げないのがポイント。 Armorがどんなに上がってもPierceダメージを食らうとあっという間に死ぬ。 いまいち使えない。 **Umbral Raiment (影の衣服) -[[Shadesong]] -[[Umbra Crown]] -[[Umbral Robe]] -[[Umbral Cuffs]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|17% Lightning Resistance&br()20% Life Leech Resistance&br()+80 Energy| |3 of 4|+25% Life Leech&br()17% Lightning Resistance&br()40% Life Leech Resistance&br()+140 Energy| |4 of 4|+50% Life Leech&br()22% Lightning Resistance&br()60% Life Leech Resistance&br()+200 Energy| **Vestments of Erebus (エレボスの衣服) - Immortal Throne -[[Scepter of Erebus]] -[[Crown of Erebus]] -[[Robes of Erebus]] -[[Wraps of Erebus]] -[[Armlets of Erebus]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+12 Intelligence&br()+12 Dexterity&br()+20% Energy Regeneration| |3 of 5|+24 Intelligence&br()+24 Dexterity&br()+130 Health&br()+20% Energy Regeneration| |4 of 5|+25% Life Leech&br()5% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()+24 Intelligence&br()+24 Dexterity&br()+130 Health&br()+20% Energy Regeneration| |5 of 5|+15% Elemental Damage&br()+25% Life Leech&br()5% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()+24 Intelligence&br()+24 Dexterity&br()+130 Health&br()+20% Energy Regeneration&br()+7% Energy Absorption From Attacks| **Warden's Charge (番人の武具) -[[Warden's Wrath]] -[[Warden's Faith]] -[[Warden's Helm]] -[[Warden's Breastplate]] -[[Warden's Armguard]] -[[Warden's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Elemental Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance&br()2% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |3 of 6|17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Elemental Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance&br()+5% Shield Block&br()4% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |4 of 6|27% Pierce Resistance&br()27% Elemental Resistance&br()27% Poison Resistance&br()+5% Shield Block&br()4% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |5 of 6|+15% Elemental Damage&br()27% Pierce Resistance&br()27% Elemental Resistance27% Poison Resistance&br()+8% Shield Block6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |6 of 6|+15% Elemental Damage&br()27% Pierce Resistance&br()27% Elemental Resistance&br()27% Poison Resistance+8% Shield Block&br()+10% Energy Absorption From Attacks&br()6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Warrior's Panoply (戦士の装い) -[[Warrior's Brain-cage]] -[[Warrior's Plate]] -[[Warrior's Bracers]] -[[Warrior's Buskin]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+50 Offensive Ability&br()+50 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|+100 Offensive Ability&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|+10% Damage&br()+200 Health&br()+200 Offensive Ability&br()+200 Defensive Ability| *レジェンダリー(Legendary) **Abyssal Armor (深淵の鎧) -[[Abyssal Shield]] -[[Abyssal Plate]] -[[Abyssal Bracers]] -[[Abyssal Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|25% Life Leech Resistance&br()25% Energy Leech Resistance&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+50% Energy Regeneration&br()+65 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|10% Damage Resistance&br()25% Life Leech Resistance&br()25% Energy Leech Resistance&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+50% Energy Regeneration&br()+90 Defensive Ability&br()+10% Energy Absorption From Attacks| |4 of 4|10% Damage Resistance&br()50% Pierce Resistance&br()50% Elemental Resistance&br()50% Poison Resistance&br()25% Life Leech Resistance&br()25% Energy Leech Resistance&br()+4% Shield Block&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+50% Energy Regeneration&br()+115 Defensive Ability&br()+10% Energy Absorption From Attacks| **Alexander's Panoply (アレクサンドロス大王の武具) -[[Alexander's Spear]] -[[Alexander's Pelta]] -[[Alexander's Plumed Helm]] -[[Alexander's Cuirass]] -[[Alexander's Bracer]] -[[Alexander's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|+10% Strength| |3 of 6|+10% Strength&br()+150 Health| |4 of 6|+10% Strength&br()+150 Health&br()+85 Defensive Ability| |5 of 6|+10% Armor Protection&br()+3% Shield Block&br()+10% Strength&br()+150 Health&br()+85 Defensive Ability| |6 of 6|+10% Armor Protection&br()+3% Shield Block&br()+10% Strength&br()+300 Health&br()+120 Defensive Ability&br()4% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Archmage's Regalia (大魔術士の服) -[[Archmage's Diadem]] -[[Archmage's Mantle]] -[[Archmage's Clasp]] -[[Archmage's Leggings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+150 Health&br()+150 Energy| |3 of 4|5% Damage Resistance&br()+300 Health&br()+300 Energy| |4 of 4|10% Damage Resistance&br()+300 Health&br()+600 Energy&br()+200% Energy Regeneration| **Armament of Poseidon (ポセイドンの神器) - Immortal Throne -[[The Earth-Shaker]] -[[Poseidon's Helm]] -[[Poseidon's Cuirass]] -[[Poseidon's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+32 Strength&br()+32 Dexterity| |3 of 4|+32 Strength&br()+32 Dexterity&br()+2 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+300 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|40% Pierce Resistance&br()40% Elemental Resistance&br()40% Poison Resistance&br()+32 Strength&br()+32 Dexterity&br()+2 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+300 Defensive Ability| **Armament of the Fiery Legion (勇壮な軍人の武具) - Immortal Throne -[[Fist of the Fiery Legion]] -[[Shield of the Firery Legion]] -[[Legionnaire's Visor]] -[[Legionnaire's Breastplate]] -[[Legionnaire's Gauntlets]] -[[Legionnaire's Buskin]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|+33 Strength&br()+33 Dexterity| |3 of 6|+5% Armor Protection&br()+33 Strength&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+200 Defensive Ability| |4 of 6|+10% Armor Protection&br()+33 Strength&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+350 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| |5 of 6|+15% Armor Protection&br()+33 Strength&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+350 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability&br()+5% Chance to Avoid Projectiles| |6 of 6|+20% Armor Protection&br()40% Pierce Resistance&br()40% Elemental Resistance&br()40% Poison Resistance&br()+33 Strength&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+350 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability&br()+5% Chance to Avoid Projectiles| **Assassin's Cover (暗殺者の装束) -[[Assassin's Shroud]] -[[Assassin's Harness]] -[[Assassin's Bracers]] -[[Assassin's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+150 Health| |3 of 4|+100% Poison Damage&br()+200 Health| |4 of 4...+100% Poison Damage&br()+250 Health&br()15% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Bane of Messia (神を滅するもの) -[[Charybdis]] -[[Scylla]] -Set Bonuses |2 of 2|15% Chance of 100% Damage&br()+100 Offensive Ability| **Bane of the Karkinos (巨蟹を滅するもの) - Immortal Throne -[[Lindane]] ※エピック(Epic) -[[Shield of Permathryn]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|40% Fire Resistance&br()40% Poison Resistance&br()+600 Health| **Bone Armor (死せる者の鎧) -[[Bone Helm]] -[[Bone Breastplate]] -[[Bone Bracers]] -[[Bone Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4...+150 Health&br()+150 Energy| |3 of 4...30 Reduced Armor For 3 Seconds&br()20 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds&br()+150 Health&br()+150 Energy| |4 of 4...30 Reduced Armor For 3 Seconds&br()20 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds&br()10% Damage Resistance&br()+150 Health&br()+150 Energy&br()+10% Energy Absorption From Attacks| **Children of Ares (戦神アレスの落し子) -[[Phobos]] -[[Deimos]] -[[Kydoimos]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health| |3 of 3|+20% Damage&br()15% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()+20% Attack Speed| **Conqueror's Panoply (覇者の鎧) -[[Conqueror's Brain-cage]] -[[Conqueror's Plate]] -[[Conqueror's Bracers]] -[[Conqueror's Buskin]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+75 Offensive Ability&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|+150 Offensive Ability&br()+150 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|+20% Damage&br()+400 Health&br()+300 Offensive Ability&br()+300 Defensive Ability| **Crystalline Array (水晶の鎧) -[[Rimescythe]] -[[Crystalline Helm]] -[[Crystalline Armor]] -[[Crystalline Bracers]] -[[Crystalline Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|60% Cold Resistance&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()-20% Reduction to All Requirements| |3 of 5|120% Cold Resistance&br()35% Slowed Movement Retaliation For 3 Seconds&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()-20% Reduction to All Requirements| |4 of 5|+25% Cold Damage&br()120% Cold Resistance&br()35% Slowed Movement Retaliation For 3 Seconds&br()+170 Health&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()-20% Reduction to All Requirements| |5 of 5|+50% Cold Damage&br()120% Cold Resistance&br()35% Slowed Movement Retaliation For 3 Seconds&br()+270 Health&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()-20% Reduction to All Requirements| **Eternal Ward of Tartarus (タルタロスの不滅なる鎧) -[[Dark Justice of Tartarus]] -[[Black Cage of Tartarus]] -[[Inexorable Grip of Tartarus]] -[[Unyielding Shackles of Tartarus]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|20% Pierce Resistance&br()20% Elemental Resistance&br()20% Poison Resistance&br()+135 Health&br()+50 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|40% Pierce Resistance&br()40% Elemental Resistance&br()40% Poison Resistance&br()+185 Health&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|60% Pierce Resistance&br()60% Elemental Resistance&br()60% Poison Resistance&br()+235 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| **Gladiator's Creed (剣闘士の信念) -[[Alke]] -[[Timaios]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|10% Damage Resistance&br()+400 Health| **Huo Qubing's Relics (霍去病の遺品) -[[Huo Qubing's Ceremonial Blade]] -[[Huo Qubing's Helm]] -[[Huo Qubing's Cuirass]] -[[Huo Qubing's Armguards]] -[[Huo Qubing's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|13-21 Vitality Retaliation| |3 of 5|5% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()42% Cold Resistance&br()13-21 Vitality Retaliation&br()+230 Health| |4 of 5|+50% Life Leech&br()10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()42% Cold Resistance&br()13-21 Vitality Retaliation&br()+230 Health| |5 of 5|+100% Life Leech&br()10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()50% Pierce Resistance&br()42% Cold Resistance&br()50% Poison Resistance&br()13-21 Vitality Retaliation&br()+230 Health| **Nemean Lion Hide (ネメアの獅子革) -[[Helm of the Nemean Lion]] -[[Pelt of the Nemean Lion]] -[[Bracers of the Nemean Lion]] -[[Greaves of the Nemean Lion]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|10% Chance of 100% Damage Resistance| |3 of 4|10% Chance of 100% Damage Resistance&br()+10% Strength| |4 of 4|10% Chance of 100% Damage Resistance&br()100% Pierce Resistance&br()+10% Strength| **Plouton's Vestments (プルートンの神具) - Immortal Throne -[[Plouton's Crown]] -[[Plouton's Cornucopia]] -[[Plouton's Bracelet]] -[[Plouton's Wraps]] -[[Polydegmon]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds| |3 of 5|45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()+5% Health&br()+5% Energy| |4 of 5|45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()+40 Intelligence&br()+5% Health&br()+5% Energy&br()+25% Energy Absorption From Attacks| |5 of 5|+10% Total Damage&br()45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()+40 Intelligence&br()+5% Health&br()+5% Energy&br()+2 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()+25% Energy Absorption From Attacks| **Raiment of Carnus (カルヌスの装具) - Immortal Throne -[[Scepter of Carnus]] -[[Gaze of Carnus]] -[[Wings of Carnus]] -[[Grip of Carnus]] -[[Pillars of Carnus]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+50% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+20% Life Leech&br()+20 Intelligence| |3 of 5|+5% Total Damage&br()+50% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+20% Life Leech&br()+40 Intelligence| |4 of 5|+10% Total Damage&br()+50% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+20% Life Leech&br()+40 Intelligence&br()+200 Offensive Ability&br()+200 Defensive Ability| |5 of 5|+15% Total Damage&br()+100% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+20% Life Leech&br()60% Damage Resistance&br()60% Elemental Resistance&br()60% Poison Resistance&br()+40 Intelligence&br()+200 Offensive Ability&br()+200 Defensive Ability| **Tracker's Armor (追跡者の鎧) -[[Tracker's Hood]] -[[Tracker's Armor]] -[[Tracker's Gloves]] -[[Tracker's Leg Guard]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+60 Dexterity| |3 of 4|+100% Pierce Damage&br()+70 Dexterity| |4 of 4|+100% Pierce Damage&br()+80 Dexterity&br()+150 Health&br()+100% Increase in Projectile Speed| **Vestments of the Battlemage (バトルメイジの衣服) -[[Battlemage Circlet]] -[[Battlemage Robe]] -[[Battlemage Bracers]] -[[Battlemage Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+20% Armor Protection&br()37% Pierce Resistance| |3 of 4|+40% Armor Protection&br()37% Pierce Resistance&br()37% Poison Resistance| |4 of 4|+60% Armor Protection&br()37% Pierce Resistance&br()37% Elemental Resistance&br()37% Poison Resistance| *その他(Neither Epic nor Legendary) -アンロックコンテンツでコードを入力すると入手可能。 **Armament of Gaul (ガリアの兵装) - Immortal Throne -[[Francisca]] -[[Marcomer's Shield]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|+10% Damage&br()20% Pierce Resistance| -unlock code:373624 **Armament Germania (ゲルマニアの兵装) - Immortal Throne -[[Irminsul]] -[[Shield of Irminsul]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|20% Pierce Resistance&br()20% Cold Resistance| -unlock code:437626 **Garb of the Great Merchant (偉大なる商人の衣服) - Immortal Throne -[[Tiberius' Wrath]] -[[Cuirass of the Great Merchant]] -[[Bracers of the Great Merchant]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|| |3 of 3|10% Fire Resistance&br()+20 Offensive Ability| -unlock code:925678 **Shinobi Shozoku (忍び装束) - Immortal Throne -[[Katana]] -[[Sai]] -[[Sanjaku-Tenugui]] -[[Uwagi]] -[[Jika-Tabi]] -[[Kurokote]] Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|| |3 of 6|| |4 of 6|| |5 of 6|| |6 of 6|+10 Dexterity&br()+5% Movement| -unlock code:274267 *意見投稿用のフォーム #comment_num2(size=50,nsize=20,vsize=2)
#include_cache(装備:共通) ---- *目次 #contents(fromhere) *はじめに   セットアイテムをエピック・レジェンダリー・その他のカテゴリで区分しました。各セット名を日本語に意訳してありますが、中にはトンデモ訳もあります。そういった部分に関しては直接直していただけるとありがたいのですが、「そこまではちょっと・・・」という人のためにページ最下部に意見投稿用のフォームを設けましたので、和訳に関する意見や提案などどんどん書き込んでください。   To Doとして①各ユニークアイテムのリンク先の仕上げ②セットアイテムの効果(日本語表記)の記載③セット効果の英語→日本語表記が挙げられます。これらについては気が向けば・・・という程度です。セット効果の英語→日本語表記については、エディタで置き換えすれば割とすぐなので、もしかするとありうるかもしれません。   最終更新日:&date(j) *エピック(Epic) **Adept's Regalia (魔術師の装束) -[[Adept's Diadem]] -[[Adept's Mantle]] -[[Adept's Clasp]] -[[Adept's Leggings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+180 Health&br()+180 Energy| |3 of 4|15% Elemental Resistance&br()+300 Health&br()+300 Energy| |4 of 4|15% Damage Resistance&br()15% Elemental Resistance&br()+300 Health&br()+600 Energy&br()+200% Energy Regeneration| **Armor of the Immortal Guard (守護神の鎧) -[[Apple Bearer's Spear]] -[[Apple Bearer's Cap]] -[[Apple Bearer's Mail]] -[[Apple Bearer's Bracer]] -[[Apple Bearer's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+30 Dexterity&br()+70 Health| |3 of 5|+30 Dexterity&br()+70 Health&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed| |4 of 5|+30 Dexterity&br()+70 Health&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed&br()8% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |5 of 5|+25% Pierce Damage&br()+30 Dexterity&br()+70 Health&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed&br()12% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Armor of Troy (トロイの鎧) -[[Trojan Helm]] -[[Trojan Cuirass]] -[[Bracers of Troy]] -[[Greaves of Troy]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+50 Health&br()+42 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|+10% Armor Protection&br()+100 Health&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+42 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|+10% Armor Protection&br()33% Pierce Resistance&br()33% Lightning Resistance&br()+150 Health&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+58 Defensive Ability| **Aspect of the Wild (荒野の姿) -[[Call of the Wind]] -[[Resilience of the Wild]] -[[Strength of the Wild]] -[[Speed of the Wild]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+40% Health Regeneration&br()+40% Energy Regeneration| |3 of 4|33% Elemental Resistance&br()+40% Health Regeneration&br()+40% Energy Regeneration| |4 of 4|33% Elemental Resistance&br()+40% Health Regeneration&br()+40% Energy Regeneration&br()-25% Energy Cost| **Atreidae (アトレウスの血脈) - Immortal Throne -[[Agamemnon's Crest]] -[[Aegis of Atreus]] -[[Menelaus' Grip]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|+20% Damage&br()+15% Armor Protection| |3 of 3|+20% Damage&br()+15% Armor Protection&br()+30 Strength&br()+450 Health&br()+250 Defensive Ability| **Babylonian Raiment (バビロニアの武具) -[[Babylonian Spear]] -[[Babylonian Shield]] -[[Babylonian Helm]] -[[Babylonian Armor]] -[[Babylonian Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|15% Elemental Resistance&br()+10% Movement| |3 of 5|15% Elemental Resistance&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+82 Health&br()+10% Movement| |4 of 5|+10% Armor Protection&br()15% Elemental Resistance&br()15% Poison Resistance&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+82 Health&br()+10% Movement| |5 of 5|+10% Armor Protection&br()15% Elemental Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+82 Health&br()+45 Defensive Ability&br()+10% Movement| -セットアイテムの性能がやや物足りないこともあり、セットとしてはやや微妙。 -2つだけ装備してElementalレジを稼げば充分すぎる。 -3つめのDex+33を含めれば即席のDA・OAは稼げる。  Hun/DreなどのOA・DAをブーストするビルドなら、まあ使えなくもない。  緑装備でもOA・DAは稼げるけど。 -Helm・Armor・Greavesの3つでElementalResistanceを稼ぐくらいしか使い道が見当たらない。Strengthボーナスもあるが・・・ **Buccaneer's Garb (海賊の船服) - Immortal Throne -[[Tricorne Hat]] -[[Blackbeard's Coat]] -[[Blackbeard's Booties]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|+5% Total Damage&br()+300 Health&br()+200 Offensive Ability| |3 of 3|+10% Total Damage&br()+600 Health&br()+400 Offensive Ability| -DAとOAがバランスよく(しかもとんでもない量を)稼げるセット。Grant Skillも凶悪。Legendaryがどうしてもクリアできないなら、これとTarwaterセットに頼るのも手。 **Diomedes' Armor (ディオメデスの鎧) - Immortal Throne -[[Diomedes' War Helm]] -[[Diomedes' Breastplate]] -[[Diomedes' Buskin]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|+200 Defensive Ability&br()+3% Energy Absorption From Attacks&br()3% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |3 of 3|30% Elemental Resistance&br()+22 Strength&br()+22 Dexterity&br()+5 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+200 Defensive Ability&br()+3% Energy Absorption From Attacks&br()3% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Dreamweaver's Regalia (夢紡ぎの服) - Immortal Throne -[[Dreamweaver's Rod]] -[[Dreamweaver's Crown]] -[[Dreamweaver's Vestment]] -[[Dreamweaver's Coil]] -[[Dreamweaver's Leggings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+250 Health&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |3 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+10% Health&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |4 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+10% Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| |5 of 5...+10% Total Damage&br()+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()30 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+10% Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| **Firewalker's Suit (炎路の装備) -[[Helm of the Firewalker]] -[[Breastplate of the Firewalker]] -[[Bracers of the Firewalker]] -[[Greaves of the Firewalker]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+25% Fire Damage&br()+55 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|+35% Fire Damage&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|+50% Fire Damage&br()+100 Defensive Ability| **Gebel Tjauti (ジャウティ丘陵の埋蔵物) -[[Shroud of the Night]] -[[Garb of the Scorpion King]] -[[Chaosbane]] -[[Silent Runners]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|32% Pierce Resistance&br()32% Poison Resistance| |3 of 4|+25% Poison Damage&br()32% Pierce Resistance&br()32% Poison Resistance&br()3% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |4 of 4|+25% Poison Damage&br()32% Pierce Resistance&br()32% Poison Resistance&br()+75 Defensive Ability&br()6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Habiliments of the Druid (ドルイドの服) -[[Druid's Staff]] -[[Druid's Wreath]] -[[Druid's Vestment]] -[[Druid's Bracelet]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+25% Health Regeneration&br()+25% Energy Regeneration&br()2% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |3 of 4|17% Poison Resistance&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+50% Energy Regeneration&br()4% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |4 of 4|22% Poison Resistance&br()+75% Health Regeneration&br()+75% Energy Regeneration&br()6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Hunter's Armor (狩人の装い) -[[Hunter's Helm]] -[[Hunter's Armor]] -[[Hunter's Armguard]] -[[Hunter's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+35 Dexterity| |3 of 4|+50% Pierce Damage&br()+45 Dexterity| |4 of 4|+50% Pierce Damage&br()+55 Dexterity&br()+75 Health&br()+50% Increase in Projectile Speed| **Imperial Raiment (皇帝の甲冑) -[[Yang]] -[[Yin]] -[[Imperial Helm]] -[[Imperial Armor]] -[[Imperial Bracers]] -[[Imperial Greaves]] -使い勝手の多いアイテムが多く、しかも装備数が少なくても高い効果がある。 3つめでElementalレジと75DAが稼げるのは心強い。 4つでElementalレジ20%が稼げるが、それ以上を狙うのは流石に難しいしメリットもない。 -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|+25% Life Leech&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |3 of 6|+25% Life Leech&br()10% Pierce Resistance&br()10% Elemental Resistance&br()10% Poison Resistance&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |4 of 6|+25% Life Leech&br()69-102 Energy Leech Over 3 Seconds&br()20% Pierce Resistance&br()20% Elemental Resistance&br()20% Poison Resistance&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |5 of 6|+75% Life Leech&br()69-102 Energy Leech Over 3 Seconds&br()20% Pierce Resistance&br()20% Elemental Resistance&br()20% Poison Resistance&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |6 of 6|+100% Life Leech&br()69-102 Energy Leech Over 3 Seconds&br()40% Pierce Resistance&br()40% Elemental Resistance&br()40% Poison Resistance&br()+75 Defensive Ability| **Labyrinthine Warsuit (迷宮の戦具) -[[Labyrinthine Shield]] -[[Labyrinthine Helmet]] -[[Labyrinthine Cuirass]] -[[Labyrinthine Bracers]] -[[Labyrinthine Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|16% Pierce Resistance&br()+10 Strength| |3 of 5|32% Pierce Resistance&br()+5% Shield Block&br()+10 Strength| |4 of 5|+10% Armor Protection&br()32% Pierce Resistance&br()+5% Shield Block&br()+10 Strength| |5 of 5|+10% Armor Protection&br()32% Pierce Resistance&br()+8% Shield Block&br()+10 Strength&br()+90 Health| -序盤の育成装備としてはお手軽な性能で、3つまでに高いPierceレジが得られるのが特徴。 ただし、3つあれば充分。それ以降は別にいらない。 **Lazarus Armor (ラザロの鎧) -[[Lazarus Helm]] -[[Lazarus Platemail]] -[[Lazarus Bracers]] -[[Lazarus Plate Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|15% Chance of 1-25 Lightning Retaliation&br()+25 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|+20% Lightning Damage&br()20% Lightning Resistance&br()15% Chance of 1-25 Lightning Retaliation&br()+35% Energy Regeneration&br()+25 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|+20% Lightning Damage&br()20% Lightning Resistance&br()15% Chance of 1-25 Lightning Retaliation&br()+120 Health&br()+85 Energy&br()+55% Energy Regeneration&br()+25 Defensive Ability| -これが出てくる頃では、すでに装備自体の性能に不満が出てくる。 そもそもボーナス自体が貧弱極まりないので、これで固める必要性はゼロ。 **Legend of Fu Xi (溥儀の伝説) -[[Fu Xi's Tail]] -[[Fu Xi's Skullplate]] -[[Fu Xi's Armored Chest]] -[[Fu Xi's Shackle]] -[[Fu Xi's Bindings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds&br()+5% Movement&br()+5% Attack Speed| |3 of 5|31% Fire Resistance&br()31% Poison Resistance&br()15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed| |4 of 5|+20% Fire Damage&br()+20% Poison Damage&br()31% Fire Resistance&br()31% Poison Resistance&br()15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed| |5 of 5|+20% Fire Damage&br()+20% Poison Damage&br()+10% Armor Protection&br()31% Fire Resistance&br()31% Poison Resistance&br()15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds&br()+3 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+10% Movement&br()+10% Attack Speed| **Memnon's Raiment (メムノンの宝具) -[[Memnon's Trust]] -[[Memnon's Guard]] -[[Memnon's Aegis]] -[[Memnon's Signet]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+50 Health&br()+36 Offensive Ability| |3 of 4|+100 Health&br()+36 Offensive Ability| |4 of 4|10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()+150 Health&br()+36 Offensive Ability| **Necromncer's Habiliment (死霊術師の祭服) -[[Necromancer's Staff]] -[[Crown of the Dead]] -[[Necromancer's Robe]] -[[Deathcuffs]] ※未実装 -[[Necromancer's Leggings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+15% Life Leech&br()10% Life Leech Resistance| |3 of 5|+25% Life Leech&br()30% Life Leech Resistance| |4 of 5|+35% Life Leech&br()50% Life Leech Resistance| |5 of 5|+50% Life Leech&br()100% Life Leech Resistance&br()+65 Health&br()+55 Energy| -あんまりにもあんまりなボーナス。The TUKAENAI **Obsidian Armor (黒曜石の武具) -[[Obsidian Crescent]] -[[Obsidian Helm]] -[[Obsidian Breastplate]] -[[Obsidian Bracers]] -[[Obsidian Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|15% Fire Resistance&br()15% Lightning Resistance&br()+42 Health| |3 of 5|35% Slower Movement For 3 Seconds&br()15% Fire Resistance&br()15% Lightning Resistance&br()+45 Health| |4 of 5|35% Slower Movement For 3 Seconds&br()7% Damage Resistance&br()7% Pierce Resistance&br()7% Elemental Resistance&br()15% Fire Resistance&br()15% Lightning Resistance&br()7% Poison Resistance&br()+45 Health| |5 of 5|35% Slower Movement For 3 Seconds&br()14% Damage Resistance&br()12% Pierce Resistance&br()12% Elemental Resistance&br()15% Fire Resistance&br()15% Lightning Resistance&br()12% Poison Resistance&br()+100 Health| -比較的簡単に入手出来る割には汎用性が高い。 アイテムその物がそこそこ使えるし、2つ揃えた時点でレジが取れる。 3つ目で物理・Pierce・Poisonレジが稼げる。 全部揃った場合、これが装備可能になった直後のレベルでは、なかなかの戦闘力。 ただし、DPSに色が付かないのが難点か。 **Oracle's Garments (賢者の衣服) -[[Oracle's Wreath]] -[[Oracle's Winding]] -[[Oracle's Vestment]] -[[Oracle's Leggings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+10% Elemental Damage&br()+75 Energy| |3 of 4|+20% Elemental Damage&br()+100 Energy&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second| |4 of 4|+30% Elemental Damage&br()6% Elemental Resistance&br()+125 Energy&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()-10% Recharge| -もともとの装備品が良品揃いだし、効果その物も悪くない。 ただし、攻撃に特化するぶんレジが稼げないのが最大の弱点。 **Panoply of the Moirae (モイライの正装) - Immortal Throne -[[Soul Spike]] -[[Shield of Anguish]] -[[Shroud of Shadows]] -[[Breastplate of Morte]] -[[Death Touch]] -[[Shade Stalkers]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|+10 Strength&br()+10 Dexterity&br()+70 Defensive Ability| |3 of 6|+20 Strength&br()+20 Dexterity&br()+140 Defensive Ability| |4 of 6|+30 Strength&br()+30 Dexterity&br()+210 Defensive Ability| |5 of 6|+15% Damage&br()+15% Pierce Damage&br()+30 Strength&br()+30 Dexterity&br()+210 Defensive Ability| |6 of 6|+15% Damage&br()+15% Pierce Damage&br()5% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()15% Elemental Resistance&br()+30 Strength&br()+30 Dexterity&br()+210 Defensive Ability| **Pride of the Jade Palace (翡翠宮殿の威光) -[[Jade Bow]] -[[Jade Crested Helm]] -[[Jade Breastplate]] -[[Jade Bracers]] -[[Jade Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|30% Pierce Resistance&br()+17 Dexterity| |3 of 5|+15% Damage&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()+17 Dexterity&br()+25% Attack Speed| |4 of 5|+25% Damage&br()+25% Pierce Damage&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()+17 Dexterity&br()+25% Attack Speed| |5 of 5|+25% Damage&br()+50% Pierce Damage&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()+17 Dexterity&br()+25% Attack Speed&br()+25% Increase in Projectile Speed| **Pyromancer's Guard (紅蓮術士の護身具) -[[Pyromancer's Circlet]] -[[Pyromancer's Robe]] -[[Pyromancer's Bracelet]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|+25% Fire Damage&br()17% Fire Resistance| |3 of 3|+50% Fire Damage&br()22% Fire Resistance&br()+100 Health| **Raiment of the Baker Street Sage (シャーロック・ホームズの衣服) - Immortal Throne -[[Bludgeon of True Sight]] -[[Deerstalker Hat]] -[[Detective's Greatcoat]] -[[Detective's Gloves]] -[[Detective's Spats]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|70% Cold Resistance&br()+5% Dexterity| |3 of 5|30% Pierce Resistance&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()70% Cold Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+5% Dexterity&br()+5% Health&br()+5% Energy| |4 of 5|60% Pierce Resistance&br()60% Elemental Resistance&br()70% Cold Resistance&br()60% Poison Resistance&br()+5% Dexterity&br()+5% Health&br()+5% Energy| |5 of 5|60% Pierce Resistance&br()60% Elemental Resistance&br()70% Cold Resistance&br()60% Poison Resistance&br()+10% Dexterity&br()+10% Health&br()+10% Energy| **Raiment of the Storm (嵐の衣服) -[[Rod of Storms]] -[[Circlet of Storms]] -[[Robe of Storms]] -[[Bracelets of Storms]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|17% Cold Resistance&br()+55 Energy| |3 of 4|+25% Cold Damage&br()+25% Lightning Damage&br()17% Cold Resistance&br()+100 Energy| |4 of 4|+50% Cold Damage&br()+50% Lightning Damage&br()22% Cold Resistance&br()+145 Energy| **Ramses' Royal Armor (王家の武具) -[[Ramses' Scepter]] -[[Ramses' Headdress]] -[[Ramses' Coat]] -[[Ramses' Coil]] -[[Ramses' Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun&br()17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance| |3 of 5|+25% Poison Damage&br()10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun&br()17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance&br()75% Reduction in Poison Duration| |4 of 5|+50% Poison Damage&br()10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun&br()17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance&br()75% Reduction in Poison Duration| |5 of 5|+100% Poison Damage&br()10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun&br()17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance&br()75% Reduction in Poison Duration&br()+150 Health&br()+100 Energy| **Rogue's Cover (盗賊の装い) -[[Rogue's Headband]] -[[Rogue's Harness]] -[[Rogue's Bracers]] -[[Rogue's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+100 Health| |3 of 4|+50% Poison Damage&br()+150 Health| |4 of 4|+50% Poison Damage&br()+200 Health&br()10% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Ronzer's Gift (ロンツァーの贈り物) -[[The Frail]] -[[The Fragile]] |2 of 2|20 Reduced Physical Damage For 3 Seconds&br()20 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds&br()+25% Energy Regeneration| **Safeguard of the Mantis (蟷螂の防具) -[[Mantis Helm]] -[[Mantis Plate]] -[[Mantis Stride]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|+8% Movement&br()6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |3 of 3|+45 Dexterity&br()+60 Defensive Ability&br()+18% Movement&br()6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| -アイテムの性能自体が高くないのが最大の難点。 そうでなくてもあんまり強くない……… コンプリートした場合は、装備品のModを含めるとDex+91とDA+86にDodge10%。 DA・OAをブースト出来る状況だった場合、被弾率その物は相当下がる。 **Santa's Garb (サンタの衣服) - Immortal Throne -[[Santa's Cane]] -[[Santa's Peppermint]] -[[Santa's Hat]] -[[Santa's Winter Coat]] -[[Santa's Gloves]] -[[Santa's Boots]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|+15% Armor Protection| |3 of 6|+15% Armor Protection&br()+3 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+3 Energy Regeneration/Second| |4 of 6|+15% Armor Protection&br()+200 Health&br()+3 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+3 Energy Regeneration/Second| |5 of 6|+15% Armor Protection&br()20% Elemental Resistance&br()+400 Health&br()+3 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+3 Energy Regeneration/Second| |6 of 6|+15% Armor Protection&br()40% Elemental Resistance&br()+600 Health&br()+3 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+3 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()+10% Increased Experience| **Shadow Guard (影の護り) -[[Shadowbane]] -[[Shadow Wall]] -[[Shadow Veil]] -[[Shadow's Guard]] -[[Shadow's Touch]] -[[Shadow's Flight]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|20% Life Leech Resistance&br()+80 Health| |3 of 6|40% Life Leech Resistance&br()+140 Health| |4 of 6|+25% Life Leech&br()60% Life Leech Resistance&br()+200 Health| |5 of 6|+25% Life Leech&br()60% Life Leech Resistance&br()+28 Strength&br()+200 Health&br()+40 Offensive Ability| |6 of 6|+50% Life Leech&br()60% Life Leech Resistance&br()+48 Strength&br()+200 Health&br()+60 Offensive Ability| **Tempest (渦巻く大嵐) -[[Surge of the Tempest]] -[[Helm of the Tempest]] -[[Armor of the Tempest]] -[[Bracers of the Tempest]] -[[Greaves of the Tempest]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|17% Cold Resistance&br()17% Lightning Resistance&br()+55 Health| |3 of 5|22% Cold Resistance&br()22% Lightning Resistance&br()+25 Strength&br()+100 Health| |4 of 5|33% Cold Resistance&br()33% Lightning Resistance&br()+35 Strength&br()+145 Health| |5 of 5|33% Cold Resistance&br()33% Lightning Resistance&br()+45 Strength&br()+190 Health| **The Acropolis (アクロポリスの防具) -[[The Bulwark]] -[[The Citadel]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|+20% Armor Protection&br()+150 Health| **The Harbinger (先駆者の装備) - Immortal Throne -[[Prophecy]] -[[Harbinger's Helm]] -[[Harbinger's Breastplate]] -[[Harbinger's Bracer]] -[[Harbinder's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+250 Health&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |3 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+10% Strength&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |4 of 5|+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+10% Strength&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| |5 of 5|+15% Total Damage&br()+25% Electrical Burn Damage&br()30 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds&br()30% Pierce Resistance&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()30% Poison Resistance&br()+10% Strength&br()+10% Intelligence&br()+250 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| **The Ordu (オルドゥの装具) - Immortal Throne -[[Ordu Composite Bow]] -[[Ordu Arm-guard]] -[[Ordu Thumb Ring]] Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|2% Damage Resistance&br()35% Pierce Resistance&br()+5% Attack Speed&br()+25% Increase in Projectile Speed| |3 of 3|5% Damage Resistance&br()35% Pierce Resistance&br()+10% Attack Speed&br()+3% Chance to Avoid Projectiles&br()+75% Increase in Projectile Speed| **The Sphinx (スフィンクスの秘宝) -[[Scepter of the Sphinx]] -[[Helm of the Sphynx]] -[[Breastplate of the Sphynx]] -[[Bracers of the Sphynx]] -[[Greaves of the Sphynx]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|23% Pierce Resistance&br()23% Poison Resistance| |3 of 5|23% Pierce Resistance&br()23% Poison Resistance&br()50% Reduction in Poison Duration&br()+25% Health Regeneration&br()+25% Energy Regeneration| |4 of 5|23% Pierce Resistance&br()23% Elemental Resistance&br()23% Poison Resistance&br()50% Reduction in Poison Duration&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+50% Energy Regeneration&br()+65 Defensive Ability| |5 of 5|33% Pierce Resistance&br()33% Elemental Resistance&br()33% Poison Resistance&br()50% Reduction in Poison Duration&br()+100% Health Regeneration&br()+100% Energy Regeneration&br()+100 Defensive Ability| **The Texan (テキサスの民) - Immortal Throne -[[Tarwater's Shade]] -[[Tarwater's Kickers]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|+20% Armor Protection&br()30% Elemental Resistance&br()+20 Strength&br()+220 Defensive Ability| -高い防御力と、飛びぬけたDAが得られるセット。HaruspexならDA3000あたりの数値は簡単に見れる。これくらいになると、必中系の攻撃以外はほとんど命中しない。 -2点で構築できるセットとしては異常に効率が良い。装備条件も-30%されるので、装備の柔軟性はとても高い。 -というか普通にアンバランスな防具です。何が何でもLegendaryまで一通りクリアしたい人向け。 **Theban Panoply (テーバイの装い) -[[Theban Shield]] -[[Theban Crested Helmet]] -[[Theban Cuirass]] -[[Theban Bracers]] -[[Theban Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+16 Strength&br()+22 Defensive Ability| |3 of 5|+22 Strength&br()+59 Health&br()+32 Defensive Ability| |4 of 5|+25% Armor Protection&br()+28 Strength&br()+59 Health&br()+42 Defensive Ability| |5 of 5|+50% Armor Protection&br()+34 Strength&br()+110 Health&br()+42 Defensive Ability| -物理に対しては相当頑丈なぶん、レジが全く稼げないのがポイント。 Armorがどんなに上がってもPierceダメージを食らうとあっという間に死ぬ。 いまいち使えない。 **Umbral Raiment (影の衣服) -[[Shadesong]] -[[Umbra Crown]] -[[Umbral Robe]] -[[Umbral Cuffs]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|17% Lightning Resistance&br()20% Life Leech Resistance&br()+80 Energy| |3 of 4|+25% Life Leech&br()17% Lightning Resistance&br()40% Life Leech Resistance&br()+140 Energy| |4 of 4|+50% Life Leech&br()22% Lightning Resistance&br()60% Life Leech Resistance&br()+200 Energy| **Vestments of Erebus (エレボスの衣服) - Immortal Throne -[[Scepter of Erebus]] -[[Crown of Erebus]] -[[Robes of Erebus]] -[[Wraps of Erebus]] -[[Armlets of Erebus]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+12 Intelligence&br()+12 Dexterity&br()+20% Energy Regeneration| |3 of 5|+24 Intelligence&br()+24 Dexterity&br()+130 Health&br()+20% Energy Regeneration| |4 of 5|+25% Life Leech&br()5% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()+24 Intelligence&br()+24 Dexterity&br()+130 Health&br()+20% Energy Regeneration| |5 of 5|+15% Elemental Damage&br()+25% Life Leech&br()5% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()+24 Intelligence&br()+24 Dexterity&br()+130 Health&br()+20% Energy Regeneration&br()+7% Energy Absorption From Attacks| **Warden's Charge (番人の武具) -[[Warden's Wrath]] -[[Warden's Faith]] -[[Warden's Helm]] -[[Warden's Breastplate]] -[[Warden's Armguard]] -[[Warden's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Elemental Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance&br()2% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |3 of 6|17% Pierce Resistance&br()17% Elemental Resistance&br()17% Poison Resistance&br()+5% Shield Block&br()4% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |4 of 6|27% Pierce Resistance&br()27% Elemental Resistance&br()27% Poison Resistance&br()+5% Shield Block&br()4% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |5 of 6|+15% Elemental Damage&br()27% Pierce Resistance&br()27% Elemental Resistance27% Poison Resistance&br()+8% Shield Block6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| |6 of 6|+15% Elemental Damage&br()27% Pierce Resistance&br()27% Elemental Resistance&br()27% Poison Resistance+8% Shield Block&br()+10% Energy Absorption From Attacks&br()6% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Warrior's Panoply (戦士の装い) -[[Warrior's Brain-cage]] -[[Warrior's Plate]] -[[Warrior's Bracers]] -[[Warrior's Buskin]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+50 Offensive Ability&br()+50 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|+100 Offensive Ability&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|+10% Damage&br()+200 Health&br()+200 Offensive Ability&br()+200 Defensive Ability| *レジェンダリー(Legendary) **Abyssal Armor (深淵の鎧) -[[Abyssal Shield]] -[[Abyssal Plate]] -[[Abyssal Bracers]] -[[Abyssal Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|25% Life Leech Resistance&br()25% Energy Leech Resistance&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+50% Energy Regeneration&br()+65 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|10% Damage Resistance&br()25% Life Leech Resistance&br()25% Energy Leech Resistance&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+50% Energy Regeneration&br()+90 Defensive Ability&br()+10% Energy Absorption From Attacks| |4 of 4|10% Damage Resistance&br()50% Pierce Resistance&br()50% Elemental Resistance&br()50% Poison Resistance&br()25% Life Leech Resistance&br()25% Energy Leech Resistance&br()+4% Shield Block&br()+50% Health Regeneration&br()+50% Energy Regeneration&br()+115 Defensive Ability&br()+10% Energy Absorption From Attacks| **Alexander's Panoply (アレクサンドロス大王の武具) -[[Alexander's Spear]] -[[Alexander's Pelta]] -[[Alexander's Plumed Helm]] -[[Alexander's Cuirass]] -[[Alexander's Bracer]] -[[Alexander's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|+10% Strength| |3 of 6|+10% Strength&br()+150 Health| |4 of 6|+10% Strength&br()+150 Health&br()+85 Defensive Ability| |5 of 6|+10% Armor Protection&br()+3% Shield Block&br()+10% Strength&br()+150 Health&br()+85 Defensive Ability| |6 of 6|+10% Armor Protection&br()+3% Shield Block&br()+10% Strength&br()+300 Health&br()+120 Defensive Ability&br()4% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Archmage's Regalia (大魔術士の服) -[[Archmage's Diadem]] -[[Archmage's Mantle]] -[[Archmage's Clasp]] -[[Archmage's Leggings]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+150 Health&br()+150 Energy| |3 of 4|5% Damage Resistance&br()+300 Health&br()+300 Energy| |4 of 4|10% Damage Resistance&br()+300 Health&br()+600 Energy&br()+200% Energy Regeneration| **Armament of Poseidon (ポセイドンの神器) - Immortal Throne -[[The Earth-Shaker]] -[[Poseidon's Helm]] -[[Poseidon's Cuirass]] -[[Poseidon's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+32 Strength&br()+32 Dexterity| |3 of 4|+32 Strength&br()+32 Dexterity&br()+2 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+300 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|40% Pierce Resistance&br()40% Elemental Resistance&br()40% Poison Resistance&br()+32 Strength&br()+32 Dexterity&br()+2 Health Regeneration/Second&br()+300 Defensive Ability| **Armament of the Fiery Legion (勇壮な軍人の武具) - Immortal Throne -[[Fist of the Fiery Legion]] -[[Shield of the Firery Legion]] -[[Legionnaire's Visor]] -[[Legionnaire's Breastplate]] -[[Legionnaire's Gauntlets]] -[[Legionnaire's Buskin]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|+33 Strength&br()+33 Dexterity| |3 of 6|+5% Armor Protection&br()+33 Strength&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+200 Defensive Ability| |4 of 6|+10% Armor Protection&br()+33 Strength&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+350 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| |5 of 6|+15% Armor Protection&br()+33 Strength&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+350 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability&br()+5% Chance to Avoid Projectiles| |6 of 6|+20% Armor Protection&br()40% Pierce Resistance&br()40% Elemental Resistance&br()40% Poison Resistance&br()+33 Strength&br()+33 Dexterity&br()+350 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability&br()+5% Chance to Avoid Projectiles| **Assassin's Cover (暗殺者の装束) -[[Assassin's Shroud]] -[[Assassin's Harness]] -[[Assassin's Bracers]] -[[Assassin's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+150 Health| |3 of 4|+100% Poison Damage&br()+200 Health| |4 of 4...+100% Poison Damage&br()+250 Health&br()15% Chance to Dodge Attacks| **Bane of Messia (神を滅するもの) -[[Charybdis]] -[[Scylla]] -Set Bonuses |2 of 2|15% Chance of 100% Damage&br()+100 Offensive Ability| **Bane of the Karkinos (巨蟹を滅するもの) - Immortal Throne -[[Lindane]] ※エピック(Epic) -[[Shield of Permathryn]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|40% Fire Resistance&br()40% Poison Resistance&br()+600 Health| **Bone Armor (死せる者の鎧) -[[Bone Helm]] -[[Bone Breastplate]] -[[Bone Bracers]] -[[Bone Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4...+150 Health&br()+150 Energy| |3 of 4...30 Reduced Armor For 3 Seconds&br()20 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds&br()+150 Health&br()+150 Energy| |4 of 4...30 Reduced Armor For 3 Seconds&br()20 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds&br()10% Damage Resistance&br()+150 Health&br()+150 Energy&br()+10% Energy Absorption From Attacks| **Children of Ares (戦神アレスの落し子) -[[Phobos]] -[[Deimos]] -[[Kydoimos]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health| |3 of 3|+20% Damage&br()15% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()+20% Attack Speed| **Conqueror's Panoply (覇者の鎧) -[[Conqueror's Brain-cage]] -[[Conqueror's Plate]] -[[Conqueror's Bracers]] -[[Conqueror's Buskin]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+75 Offensive Ability&br()+75 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|+150 Offensive Ability&br()+150 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|+20% Damage&br()+400 Health&br()+300 Offensive Ability&br()+300 Defensive Ability| **Crystalline Array (水晶の鎧) -[[Rimescythe]] -[[Crystalline Helm]] -[[Crystalline Armor]] -[[Crystalline Bracers]] -[[Crystalline Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|60% Cold Resistance&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()-20% Reduction to All Requirements| |3 of 5|120% Cold Resistance&br()35% Slowed Movement Retaliation For 3 Seconds&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()-20% Reduction to All Requirements| |4 of 5|+25% Cold Damage&br()120% Cold Resistance&br()35% Slowed Movement Retaliation For 3 Seconds&br()+170 Health&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()-20% Reduction to All Requirements| |5 of 5|+50% Cold Damage&br()120% Cold Resistance&br()35% Slowed Movement Retaliation For 3 Seconds&br()+270 Health&br()+1 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()-20% Reduction to All Requirements| **Eternal Ward of Tartarus (タルタロスの不滅なる鎧) -[[Dark Justice of Tartarus]] -[[Black Cage of Tartarus]] -[[Inexorable Grip of Tartarus]] -[[Unyielding Shackles of Tartarus]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|20% Pierce Resistance&br()20% Elemental Resistance&br()20% Poison Resistance&br()+135 Health&br()+50 Defensive Ability| |3 of 4|40% Pierce Resistance&br()40% Elemental Resistance&br()40% Poison Resistance&br()+185 Health&br()+100 Defensive Ability| |4 of 4|60% Pierce Resistance&br()60% Elemental Resistance&br()60% Poison Resistance&br()+235 Health&br()+200 Defensive Ability| **Gladiator's Creed (剣闘士の信念) -[[Alke]] -[[Timaios]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|10% Damage Resistance&br()+400 Health| **Huo Qubing's Relics (霍去病の遺品) -[[Huo Qubing's Ceremonial Blade]] -[[Huo Qubing's Helm]] -[[Huo Qubing's Cuirass]] -[[Huo Qubing's Armguards]] -[[Huo Qubing's Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|13-21 Vitality Retaliation| |3 of 5|5% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()42% Cold Resistance&br()13-21 Vitality Retaliation&br()+230 Health| |4 of 5|+50% Life Leech&br()10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()42% Cold Resistance&br()13-21 Vitality Retaliation&br()+230 Health| |5 of 5|+100% Life Leech&br()10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health&br()50% Pierce Resistance&br()42% Cold Resistance&br()50% Poison Resistance&br()13-21 Vitality Retaliation&br()+230 Health| **Nemean Lion Hide (ネメアの獅子革) -[[Helm of the Nemean Lion]] -[[Pelt of the Nemean Lion]] -[[Bracers of the Nemean Lion]] -[[Greaves of the Nemean Lion]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|10% Chance of 100% Damage Resistance| |3 of 4|10% Chance of 100% Damage Resistance&br()+10% Strength| |4 of 4|10% Chance of 100% Damage Resistance&br()100% Pierce Resistance&br()+10% Strength| **Plouton's Vestments (プルートンの神具) - Immortal Throne -[[Plouton's Crown]] -[[Plouton's Cornucopia]] -[[Plouton's Bracelet]] -[[Plouton's Wraps]] -[[Polydegmon]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds| |3 of 5|45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()+5% Health&br()+5% Energy| |4 of 5|45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()+40 Intelligence&br()+5% Health&br()+5% Energy&br()+25% Energy Absorption From Attacks| |5 of 5|+10% Total Damage&br()45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds&br()+40 Intelligence&br()+5% Health&br()+5% Energy&br()+2 Energy Regeneration/Second&br()+25% Energy Absorption From Attacks| **Raiment of Carnus (カルヌスの装具) - Immortal Throne -[[Scepter of Carnus]] -[[Gaze of Carnus]] -[[Wings of Carnus]] -[[Grip of Carnus]] -[[Pillars of Carnus]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 5|+50% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+20% Life Leech&br()+20 Intelligence| |3 of 5|+5% Total Damage&br()+50% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+20% Life Leech&br()+40 Intelligence| |4 of 5|+10% Total Damage&br()+50% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+20% Life Leech&br()+40 Intelligence&br()+200 Offensive Ability&br()+200 Defensive Ability| |5 of 5|+15% Total Damage&br()+100% Electrical Burn Damage&br()+20% Life Leech&br()60% Damage Resistance&br()60% Elemental Resistance&br()60% Poison Resistance&br()+40 Intelligence&br()+200 Offensive Ability&br()+200 Defensive Ability| **Tracker's Armor (追跡者の鎧) -[[Tracker's Hood]] -[[Tracker's Armor]] -[[Tracker's Gloves]] -[[Tracker's Leg Guard]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+60 Dexterity| |3 of 4|+100% Pierce Damage&br()+70 Dexterity| |4 of 4|+100% Pierce Damage&br()+80 Dexterity&br()+150 Health&br()+100% Increase in Projectile Speed| **Vestments of the Battlemage (バトルメイジの衣服) -[[Battlemage Circlet]] -[[Battlemage Robe]] -[[Battlemage Bracers]] -[[Battlemage Greaves]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 4|+20% Armor Protection&br()37% Pierce Resistance| |3 of 4|+40% Armor Protection&br()37% Pierce Resistance&br()37% Poison Resistance| |4 of 4|+60% Armor Protection&br()37% Pierce Resistance&br()37% Elemental Resistance&br()37% Poison Resistance| *その他(Neither Epic nor Legendary) -アンロックコンテンツでコードを入力すると入手可能。 **Armament of Gaul (ガリアの兵装) - Immortal Throne -[[Francisca]] -[[Marcomer's Shield]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|+10% Damage&br()20% Pierce Resistance| -unlock code:373624 **Armament Germania (ゲルマニアの兵装) - Immortal Throne -[[Irminsul]] -[[Shield of Irminsul]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 2|20% Pierce Resistance&br()20% Cold Resistance| -unlock code:437626 **Garb of the Great Merchant (偉大なる商人の衣服) - Immortal Throne -[[Tiberius' Wrath]] -[[Cuirass of the Great Merchant]] -[[Bracers of the Great Merchant]] -Set Bonuses: |2 of 3|| |3 of 3|10% Fire Resistance&br()+20 Offensive Ability| -unlock code:925678 **Shinobi Shozoku (忍び装束) - Immortal Throne -[[Katana]] -[[Sai]] -[[Sanjaku-Tenugui]] -[[Uwagi]] -[[Jika-Tabi]] -[[Kurokote]] Set Bonuses: |2 of 6|| |3 of 6|| |4 of 6|| |5 of 6|| |6 of 6|+10 Dexterity&br()+5% Movement| -unlock code:274267 *意見投稿用のフォーム #comment_num2(size=50,nsize=20,vsize=2)

