「Build Template」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Build Template」(2023/09/11 (月) 01:55:27) の最新版変更点



*ビルドガイドテンプレート //簡単な紹介があればここに。 *目次 #contents(fromhere)   最終更新日:&date(j) *構想 //この構成で目標とすることを書く。 **戦い方 **パーティプレイ **良い点、悪い点 //このビルドの良い点、悪い点について書く //必要ならば小見出しをどうぞ //***良い点 //***悪い点 *スキル配分 //スキル配分について書く //下のスキル一覧は全Mastery分なので、必要分だけ切り取ってお使いください |Skill Name|Lv|Comment|h |||| |Defense Mastery||| |Concussive Blow||| |Battle Awareness||| | →Focus||| | →Iron Will||| |Batter||| | →Rend Armor||| |Armor Handling||| |Adrenaline||| | →Resilience||| | →Defensive Reaction||| |Rally||| | →Inspiration||| | →Defiance||| |Shield Charge||| | →Disruption||| |Quick Recovery||| |Shield Smash||| |Disable||| |Pulverize||| |Colossus Form||| |Unyielding Phalanx||| |Perfect Block||| |||| |Dream Mastery||| |Sands of Sleep||| |Psionic Touch||| | →Psionic Burn||| | →Psionic Beam||| |Distortion Wave||| | →Chaotic Resonance||| | →Psionic Immolation||| |Trance of Empathy||| |Lucid Dream||| | →Premonition||| | →Temporal Flux||| |Phantom Strike||| | →Dream Stealer||| |Summon Nightmare||| | →Hypnotic Gaze||| | →Master Mind||| |Distort Reality||| | →Temporal Rift||| |Trance of Convalescence||| |Distortion Field||| |Trance of Wrath||| |Dream Image||| |||| |Earth Mastery||| |Earth Enchantment||| | →Brimstone||| | →Stone Skin||| |Flame Surge||| | →Barrage||| | →Flame Arch||| |Heat Shield||| |Ring of Flame||| | →Soften Metal||| |Volcanic Orb||| | →Conflagration||| | →Fragmentation||| |Stone Form||| | →Molten Rock||| |Summon Core Dweller||| | →Inner Fire||| | →Wildfire||| | →Metamorphosis||| |Volativity||| |Eruption||| |Meteor Shower||| |Fire Nova||| |||| |Hunting Mastery||| |Ensnare||| | →Barbed Netting||| |Take Down||| | →Eviscerate||| |Wood Lore||| |Marksmanship||| | →Puncture Shot Arrows||| | →Scatter Shot Arrows||| |Art of the Hunt||| | →Find Cover||| | →Trail Blazing||| |Herbal Remedy||| |Call of the Hunt||| | →Exploit Weakness||| | →Finesse||| |Monster Lure||| | →Detonate||| |Study Prey||| | →Flush Out||| |Gouge||| |Volley||| |Spear Dance||| |||| |Nature Mastery||| |Regrowth||| | →Accelerated Growth||| | →Dissemination||| |Call of the Wild||| | →Maul||| | →Survival Instinct||| | →Strength of the Pack||| |Heart of Oak||| | →Tranquility of Water||| | →Permanence of Stone||| |Plague||| | →Fatigue||| | →Susceptibility||| |Briar Ward||| | →Stinging Nettle||| | →Sanctuary||| |Sylvan Nymph||| | →Overgrowth||| | →Nature's Wrath||| | →Sylvan Protection||| |Refresh||| |Earthbind||| |||| |Rogue Mastery||| |Blade Honing||| |Calculated Strike||| | →Lucky Hit||| |Envenom Weapon||| | →Nightshade||| | →Toxin Distillation||| | →Mandrake||| |Throwing Knife||| | →Flurry of Knives||| |Disarm Traps||| |Flash Powder||| |Lay Trap||| | →Rapid Construction||| | →Improved Firing Mechanism||| |Open Wound||| |Anatomy||| |Poison Gas Bomb||| | →Shrapnel||| | →Poison Meyhem||| |Lethal Strike||| | →Mortal Wound||| |Blade Barrier||| |||| |Spirit Mastery||| |Deathchill Aura||| | →Ravages of Time||| | →Necrosis||| |Life Drain||| | →Cascade||| | →Soul Drain||| |Ternion Attack||| | →Arcane Lore||| |Vision of Death||| |Spirit Ward||| | →Spirit Bane||| |Dark Covenant||| | →Unearthly Power||| |Summon Liche King||| | →Death Nova||| | →Wraith Shell||| | →Arcane Blast||| |Enslave Spirit||| |Circle of Power||| |Death Ward||| |Summon Outsider||| |Soul Voltex||| |||| |Storm Mastery||| |Ice Shard||| | →Velocity||| | →Torrent||| |Storm Nimbus||| | →Heart of Frost||| | →Static Charge||| |Spell Breaker||| | →Spell Shock||| |Thunderball||| | →Concussive Blast||| |Squall||| | →Obscured Visibility||| |Freezing Blast||| |Lightning Bolt||| | →Chain Lightning||| |Energy Shield||| | →Reflection||| |Storm Surge||| |Summon Wisp||| | →Eye of the Storm||| | →Arc Discharge||| |Lightning Dash||| |||| |Warfare Mastery||| |Weapon Training||| |Battle Rage||| | →Crushing Blow||| | →Counter Attack||| |Onslaught||| | →Ignore Pain||| | →Hamstring||| | →Ardor||| |Dodge Attack||| |Dual Wield||| | →Hew||| | →Cross Cut||| | →Tumult||| |War Horn||| | →Doom Horn||| |Battle Standard||| | →Triumph||| |War Wind||| | →Lacerate||| |Ancestral Horn||| | →Lasting Regacy||| |Slam||| |||| |Rune Mastery||| |Rune Weapon||| | →Magical Charge||| | →Energy Drain||| | →Transmutation||| |Sacred Rage||| | →Frightening Power||| |Reckless Offense||| |Energy Armor||| |Runeword: Feather||| |Runeword: Explode||| | →Runeword: Burn||| |Runeword: Absorb||| |Thunder Strike||| | →Unleash||| |Seal of Fate||| | →Aftershock||| |Runic Mines||| | →Freezing Mines||| | →Rune Field||| |Rune of Life||| |Menhir Wall||| | →Guardian Stones||| |Rune Storm||| **スキルオプション //スキル配分だけでは足りないその他のスキル割り振りの解説などを書く *ステータス配分 //ステータス配分について書く *装備 //装備選びの考え方について書く **装備例 //アイテム名からアイテムガイドへのリンクは、該当するアイテム名を[[ ]]で囲うと自動的にリンクが有効になります。セット名は[[ ]]で囲ってもリンク先が存在しないので意味がありません。 //アイテム名は、英語で、スペルミスがないようにお願いします。 //例: [[Tracker's Hood]] -武器(メイン): -武器(サブ): -頭: -首飾り: -胴: -腕: -指輪: -指輪: -脚: -アーティファクト: **装備オプション //その他装備の組みあわせ方について書く *その他 //何かあれば **育成について //何かあれば **注意点 //※参考にしたURL:http://wikiwiki.jp/d2x2ch/?0_%A5%D3%A5%EB%A5%C9%A5%AC%A5%A4%A5%C9%A5%C6%A5%F3%A5%D7%A5%EC%A1%BC%A5%C8
*ビルドガイドテンプレート //簡単な紹介があればここに。 *目次 #contents(fromhere)   最終更新日:&date(j) *構想 //この構成で目標とすることを書く。 **戦い方 **パーティプレイ **良い点、悪い点 //このビルドの良い点、悪い点について書く //必要ならば小見出しをどうぞ //***良い点 //***悪い点 *スキル配分 //スキル配分について書く //下のスキル一覧は全Mastery分なので、必要分だけ切り取ってお使いください |Skill Name|Lv|Comment|h |||| |Defense Mastery||| |Concussive Blow||| |Battle Awareness||| | →Focus||| | →Iron Will||| |Batter||| | →Rend Armor||| |Armor Handling||| |Adrenaline||| | →Resilience||| | →Defensive Reaction||| |Rally||| | →Inspiration||| | →Defiance||| |Shield Charge||| | →Disruption||| |Quick Recovery||| |Shield Smash||| |Disable||| |Pulverize||| |Colossus Form||| |Unyielding Phalanx||| |Perfect Block||| |||| |Dream Mastery||| |Sands of Sleep||| |Psionic Touch||| | →Psionic Burn||| | →Psionic Beam||| |Distortion Wave||| | →Chaotic Resonance||| | →Psionic Immolation||| |Trance of Empathy||| |Lucid Dream||| | →Premonition||| | →Temporal Flux||| |Phantom Strike||| | →Dream Stealer||| |Summon Nightmare||| | →Hypnotic Gaze||| | →Master Mind||| |Distort Reality||| | →Temporal Rift||| |Trance of Convalescence||| |Distortion Field||| |Trance of Wrath||| |Dream Image||| |||| |Earth Mastery||| |Earth Enchantment||| | →Brimstone||| | →Stone Skin||| |Flame Surge||| | →Barrage||| | →Flame Arch||| |Heat Shield||| |Ring of Flame||| | →Soften Metal||| |Volcanic Orb||| | →Conflagration||| | →Fragmentation||| |Stone Form||| | →Molten Rock||| |Summon Core Dweller||| | →Inner Fire||| | →Wildfire||| | →Metamorphosis||| |Volativity||| |Eruption||| |Meteor Shower||| |Fire Nova||| |||| |Hunting Mastery||| |Ensnare||| | →Barbed Netting||| |Take Down||| | →Eviscerate||| |Wood Lore||| |Marksmanship||| | →Puncture Shot Arrows||| | →Scatter Shot Arrows||| |Art of the Hunt||| | →Find Cover||| | →Trail Blazing||| |Herbal Remedy||| |Call of the Hunt||| | →Exploit Weakness||| | →Finesse||| |Monster Lure||| | →Detonate||| |Study Prey||| | →Flush Out||| |Gouge||| |Volley||| |Spear Dance||| |||| |Nature Mastery||| |Regrowth||| | →Accelerated Growth||| | →Dissemination||| |Call of the Wild||| | →Maul||| | →Survival Instinct||| | →Strength of the Pack||| |Heart of Oak||| | →Tranquility of Water||| | →Permanence of Stone||| |Plague||| | →Fatigue||| | →Susceptibility||| |Briar Ward||| | →Stinging Nettle||| | →Sanctuary||| |Sylvan Nymph||| | →Overgrowth||| | →Nature's Wrath||| | →Sylvan Protection||| |Refresh||| |Earthbind||| |||| |Rogue Mastery||| |Blade Honing||| |Calculated Strike||| | →Lucky Hit||| |Envenom Weapon||| | →Nightshade||| | →Toxin Distillation||| | →Mandrake||| |Throwing Knife||| | →Flurry of Knives||| |Disarm Traps||| |Flash Powder||| |Lay Trap||| | →Rapid Construction||| | →Improved Firing Mechanism||| |Open Wound||| |Anatomy||| |Poison Gas Bomb||| | →Shrapnel||| | →Poison Meyhem||| |Lethal Strike||| | →Mortal Wound||| |Blade Barrier||| |||| |Spirit Mastery||| |Deathchill Aura||| | →Ravages of Time||| | →Necrosis||| |Life Drain||| | →Cascade||| | →Soul Drain||| |Ternion Attack||| | →Arcane Lore||| |Vision of Death||| |Spirit Ward||| | →Spirit Bane||| |Dark Covenant||| | →Unearthly Power||| |Summon Liche King||| | →Death Nova||| | →Wraith Shell||| | →Arcane Blast||| |Enslave Spirit||| |Circle of Power||| |Death Ward||| |Summon Outsider||| |Soul Voltex||| |||| |Storm Mastery||| |Ice Shard||| | →Velocity||| | →Torrent||| |Storm Nimbus||| | →Heart of Frost||| | →Static Charge||| |Spell Breaker||| | →Spell Shock||| |Thunderball||| | →Concussive Blast||| |Squall||| | →Obscured Visibility||| |Freezing Blast||| |Lightning Bolt||| | →Chain Lightning||| |Energy Shield||| | →Reflection||| |Storm Surge||| |Summon Wisp||| | →Eye of the Storm||| | →Arc Discharge||| |Lightning Dash||| |||| |Warfare Mastery||| |Weapon Training||| |Battle Rage||| | →Crushing Blow||| | →Counter Attack||| |Onslaught||| | →Ignore Pain||| | →Hamstring||| | →Ardor||| |Dodge Attack||| |Dual Wield||| | →Hew||| | →Cross Cut||| | →Tumult||| |War Horn||| | →Doom Horn||| |Battle Standard||| | →Triumph||| |War Wind||| | →Lacerate||| |Ancestral Horn||| | →Lasting Regacy||| |Slam||| |||| |Rune Mastery||| |Rune Weapon||| | →Magical Charge||| | →Energy Drain||| | →Transmutation||| |Sacred Rage||| | →Frightening Power||| |Reckless Offense||| |Energy Armor||| |Runeword: Feather||| |Runeword: Explode||| | →Runeword: Burn||| |Runeword: Absorb||| |Thunder Strike||| | →Unleash||| |Seal of Fate||| | →Aftershock||| |Runic Mines||| | →Freezing Mines||| | →Rune Field||| |Rune of Life||| |Menhir Wall||| | →Guardian Stones||| |Rune Storm||| |||| |Neidan Mastery||| |良く効く錬金薬||| |体内均衡||| |煙雲||| |因果関係||| | →相互苦悩||| |黄帝の寵愛||| | →影響力の拡大||| |竜炎||| | →竜の息||| |テラコッタ戦士||| | →粉砕||| | →炎による鍛造||| |平穏のオーラ||| | →融合鎧||| |シェンパオ||| | →祖先の響き||| |気の再調整||| | →残響||| |ジン・チャンの祝福||| |収斂||| |最弱のオーラ||| **スキルオプション //スキル配分だけでは足りないその他のスキル割り振りの解説などを書く *ステータス配分 //ステータス配分について書く *装備 //装備選びの考え方について書く **装備例 //アイテム名からアイテムガイドへのリンクは、該当するアイテム名を[[ ]]で囲うと自動的にリンクが有効になります。セット名は[[ ]]で囲ってもリンク先が存在しないので意味がありません。 //アイテム名は、英語で、スペルミスがないようにお願いします。 //例: [[Tracker's Hood]] -武器(メイン): -武器(サブ): -頭: -首飾り: -胴: -腕: -指輪: -指輪: -脚: -アーティファクト: **装備オプション //その他装備の組みあわせ方について書く *その他 //何かあれば **育成について //何かあれば **注意点 //※参考にしたURL:http://wikiwiki.jp/d2x2ch/?0_%A5%D3%A5%EB%A5%C9%A5%AC%A5%A4%A5%C9%A5%C6%A5%F3%A5%D7%A5%EC%A1%BC%A5%C8

